Sunday, April 27, 2014

Mexico oil sector decline drags on economy "Mexico is one of the top 10 oil-producing countries in the world, with an estimated 10 billion barrels of proven reserves as of 2013.

EIA said Mexico produced an average 2.5 million barrels of crude oil per day, a level that's more than 20 percent less than its peak from 2004-09.

"Notably, crude oil production in 2013 was at its lowest since 1995 and continues to decline thus far in 2014," it said in its Thursday report."

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Lima, Peru to buy 5,000 buses

Infosurhoy : "The new transportation system is part of the “sustainable mobility” concept that prioritizes the needs of pedestrians and public transport users.

The reform attempts to cut travel times to no longer than 60 minutes in the city’s metropolitan area. Also, buses will run according to regular schedules, which will lead to improved traffic safety and passenger comfort, Quispe Candia said.

In the next two years about 5,000 buses will be purchased, totaling up to US$1 billion in private investment, according to Lima Mayor Susana Villarán.

About five million locals will benefit from the reform, she said."

Friday, April 11, 2014

Millions to be spent to benefit car-using minority

Metrobus Toluca YA: "Este año en #Toluca se invertirán mil 780 millones de pesos en 3 pasos a desnivel. Estos pasos a desnivel benefician a menos de 3 de cada 10 habitantes que tienen acceso a un auto. 10 km de Metrobús como la línea 5 del DF con ciclovías, plazoletas y áreas verdes tiene un costo de 800 millones, y se benefician a peatones, pasajeros, ciclistas e incluso automovilistas por reducirse carga vehicular."

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Bogotá car-free day becomes car-free week

CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 M. Ewert
TreeHugger: "Way back in 2000, before car-free days were on most people's radars, Bogotá, Colombia Mayor Enrique Peñalosa organized Bogotá's first car-free day. He also put up a proposal for it to be a permanent occasion. The proposal was approved, marking the approval of "the world's first Car Free Referendum," according to Wikipedia. 14 years later, it seems like it's time for an upgrade.

Mejor en Bici (translation: Better on Bike) is a local bike organization that has long been a key advocate of car-free day. Recently, it pushed for car-free day to be extended into an entire car-free week for the Colombian city. The city agreed. Now, the first-ever Bogotá car-free week (February 6–13) has just wrapped up. These were the specific routes that were completely closed to cars:"

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Right wing vandalizes #publictransit in Venezuela

The Guardian: ""Protests are historically a way of expression for the poor to demand an improvement to their living conditions. Today a determined social class has taken over the protests as an excuse to hoard and speculate. They damage public transport because they don't use it, they only ride their BMWs.""

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Toluca needs buses not more highways -- YA Toluca Metrobus

YA Toluca Metrobus: "Overpasses do not solve any problems of mobility, encourage car use, produce pollution and benefit only a minority of the population. The solution is in the public space, bikeways and public transportation. NO MORE INVESTMENT IN AUTOMOBILE INFRASTRUCTURE!!"
Alfa diario : Desquiciarán obras al Valle de Toluca por dos años: "A partir de esta semana comenzarán la construcción de cuatro distribuidores viales en el Valle de Toluca, todos al mismo tiempo, por lo cual la circulación en los municipios de Metepec, San Mateo Atenco y la capital mexiquense se complicará."