Sunday, February 26, 2012

What is the biggest drain on the economy? The private auto.

Productivity in Latin America: City limits | The Economist: "Along with land use, transport is the biggest headache facing city authorities. Vehicle ownership is likely to expand by 4% a year over the next 15 years, further clogging the streets. Curitiba stands out as an exception: 54% of journeys there are by public transport. The city’s pioneering bus rapid-transport system has been copied across the region—in Bogotá, Mexico City and Lima. In Bogotá the number of daily public-transport journeys is equal to 75% of the population, whereas in Santiago this number is only 50%.

More is needed. Experience in Europe and Asia shows that public authorities can increase the efficiency of goods distribution in cities by getting private firms to share their lorries. And although metros are expensive, the cost of not having them may soon be even greater."

'via Blog this'

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Limeños pasan una cuarta parte de su vida en transporte público - Actualidad | Perú 21

Algunas personas pasan más de seis horas diarias en un bus, coaster o combi. (USI)
Limeños pasan una cuarta parte de su vida en transporte público - Actualidad | Perú 21: "Los limeños invierten una cuarta parte de su vida viajando en transporte público, con un gran número de vehículos antiguos y pequeños y una infraestructura vial insuficiente, por lo que se requieren sistemas masivos y eficientes como el metro subterráneo."